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Pisces Conservation was formed in 1995 by staff with many years' experience working in and with the UK power industry.

We develop in-house a wide range of analytical and educational software, and publish classic scientific texts in electronic format. Our software is used by professional and amateur biologists, industry, universities and students, all over the world.

As well as software and e-books, we are a busy consultancy with core expertise in aquatic biology and the ecological effects of water abstraction and discharge, serving a wide range of clients in industry and conservation, throughout the UK, Europe and the USA.

Ecological software for professionals, amateurs and students

Pisces staff have many years' experience in ecology, so we are uniquely placed to understand the needs of software users, and are able rapidly to respond to new demands. We also produce purpose-built programs for industry and research and would be glad to discuss your requirements:
contact us

High quality software written by experts  -   Used worldwide by professionals, teachers and students  -  Easy import of your existing data  -  High quality graphical output from all programs  -  Packaged or bespoke software for all your needs  -  Good rates for multi-user licences

Analytical Software
For community ecology, statistics, sampling and database applications
Educational resources & Multimedia CDs
Ready-made ecology lectures and image resources
Printed books
Multivariate statistics, aquatic biology, entomology and fish identification
Identification, general ecology, classics in science and exploration
Programming services
Bespoke software for research & industry

Online shop