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Report other problems

If you are having other problems which are not mentioned on the individual software pages, we offer free tech support by email to techsupport@pisces-conservation.com. Please provide as many details as you can about your computer system and the kind of problem you have, including (if applicable):
  • Which software title and version you are using
  • What operating system you are using
  • Which analysis you are trying to perform
  • Any error messages which have appeared
  • If you are having problems with one particular data set, it will greatly help us if you can email it to us
  • For our records, it would be useful to know when the software was purchased from us, and who was the original purchaser.

This will help us find a solution.
The details you give us will not be used for any other purpose.
If you prefer to contact us by letter, fax or phone, find our contact details here.